The History of Redemption Series Book Six –
The Eternal High Priest of the Covenantal Oath
The Genealogy of the High Priests in light of God’s Administration in the History of Redemption
“Dr. Park shows how an accurate understanding of the Jewish context, especially of early Christianity, is essential to an accurate interpretation of the Scriptures. They provide the framework for understanding the message of the New Testament. Important but seldom understood Biblical truths are clearly explained and accompanied by colored illustrations and a set of charts that will be invaluable to the reader who may otherwise fail to gain an understanding of the comprehensive Biblical and secular history that is presented.”
~Dr. Luder G. Whitlock, Associate Professor of Missions and Evangelism Emeritus, Former President of Reformed Theological Seminary. Executive director for the publication of the New Geneva Study Bible.

The sixth book in the History of Redemption series has compiled an unprecedented presentation of the 77 generations of high priests which spans 1,500 years from Aaron to the final high priest Phannias ending in AD 70. This is a feat that has never been achieved in Christian history. Some renowned theologians have put together studies of a partial list of the high priestly genealogy occurring after the Babylonian exile; however, none of them have covered the entire list and their research was not wholly dependent on the Bible. This volume has also performed an unrivaled, thorough study of the garments of the high priest and presented the findings in a complete pictorial representation.
Systematic presentation of the 77 generations of high priests starting with Aaron
The history of the high priests, which started with Aaron in the year 1445 BC, continued on for approximately 1,500 years, until the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. There were 77 successive generations of high priests but 74 actual high priests. The high priests have been divided into three classifications. First, the 29 generations of high priests recorded in the Old Testament run from Aaron to Jaddua. Second, there are 19 generations from Onias I to Antigonus (18 people). Third, twenty-nine high priests spanning from Ananel, who was appointed by Herod the Great, until the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70.
The unveiling of each of the 77 high priests
The 77 generations of high priests from Aaron to Phannias and their history, achievements, faults, and God’s evaluation of their performance have all been clearly organized and presented for the first time in history. Many important spiritual lessons are suggested to us through these lives.
A biblically based presentation of the high priest donning his garments
In order to manifest the glory, holiness, beauty and redemptive mission of the high priest, God had ordered that he be clothed with special garments. The high priestly garments are the “breastpiece, ephod, robe of the ephod, linen tunic, turban, sash” and so on. This book has offered an unprecedented, entirely Bible based, systematic presentation of the high priest donning his garments. Furthermore, the author has also presented in pictorial format the 12 precious stones set in gold filigree on the breastpiece as well as the two onyx stones set in gold filigree on the two shoulder pieces of the ephod.
Presentation of the chart, “High priests of Judea and transitions in world history”
The history of Judea after the fall of Persia is covered in Josephus’ Antiquities of the Jews. During the four years between AD 66 and AD 70, which comprised the latter part of Emperor Nero’s reign, the Jews were embroiled in an armed struggle in order to drive out the Romans and achieve independence. At the heart of this struggle stood Josephus, a man with priestly pedigree. The period of the Ptolemaic and Seleucid reigns, along with the family tree of the Hasmonean Dynasty and the Herodian clan have been included in an organized chart that depicts the transitions of world history.
Points you must not overlook
Judean High Priests and Transitions in World History
A chart, which enables the reader to take in the history of the Judean high priests after the fall of Persia in the context of concurrent transitions within world history, has been presented for the first time in history. The chart helps you to understand the history of the world from the time of Christ until the destruction of Jerusalem by General Titus in AD 70.
Unprecedented depiction of the high priestly garments as described in the Bible
Based upon the passages in Exod 28:1-4; Heb 7:21-25; Exod 28:17-21; 28:9-12; 39:6-7; 25:7; and Exod 35:9, the author has performed an unprecedented, thoroughgoing study of the high priestly garment and has presented the findings in a pictorial depiction.
Core message
God’s covenantal oath, which has established Jesus Christ as the eternal high priest according to the order of Melchizedek, will someday be fulfilled in all of its glory. Until that day, we must adhere to the faith that leads to the salvation of our souls while fulfilling the priestly duty to evangelize lost souls.
The day will come when Jesus Christ, the eternal high priest of the covenantal oath, will fully accomplish God’s plan of redemption. Let us strive to become central figures of the eternal victory that will be won on that day.
Book 6 in the History of Redemption Series, The Eternal High Priest of the Covenantal Oath: The Genealogy of High Priests in Light of God Administration in the History of Redemption comprehensively teaches what the Holy Spirit revealed about the doctrine of the priesthood.
The Holy Spirit graciously used the renowned late Reverend Abraham Park, D. Min., D.D., to give His Church a treasure on this important, albeit often neglected, doctrine.
Scholars heretofore researched aspects of this subject, but none has organized the subject so comprehensively, systematically, and diachronically (i.e., from Genesis to Revelation) as this work.
For example, to my knowledge, this is the first time the generations of the seventy-seven high priests, from the time of Aaron, when Israel was founded as a holy nation, to Phannias (AD 70), when God terminally destroyed the Jerusalem temple, has been systematically organized.
And more than that, the study is enhanced by lucid writing and visual spread-sheets and charts. This labor of love is further enhanced by the author’s passion for his subject and all things godly, and by his application of the truth to the Christians.
It was a great privilege to visit Pyungkang Cheil Church in Seoul, Korea in 2013 during the remarkable ministry of Dr. Abraham Park, author of the History of Redemption Series. As the chairman of Knox Theological Seminary at that time, it was one of the great honors of my life to award the honorary Doctor of Divinity degree to him in recognition of his global ministry. Dr. Park was a faithful servant of God, used globally to advance the Gospel. I was captivated by the global missionary vision of this church and its commitment to reach the world with the Gospel.
The most important thing for him was to know God’s will, and he developed an acute sensitivity to God’s guidance. Pyungkang Cheil Church was one of the most vibrant congregations that I have ever visited and that was because of the powerful ministry of Dr. Park, who was not only a profoundly spiritual pastor but a gifted teacher who took the whole counsel of God seriously. That led him to emphasize the history of redemption in his preaching and teaching ministry. Since the publication of the first volume of the History of Redemption Series books in 2007, the fact that many scholars, including Dr. Bruce Waltke, one of the finest Old Testament scholars in the world, warmly endorsed this work attests to its value.
This theme of redemptive history provided a framework for the entire Bible so that his congregation could understand what they believed and why. He avoided the weakness of many pastors today who love and preach the Scriptures but fail to equip their congregations with the big picture of God’s plan and their place in it. As a result, although they clearly understand some basic truths, they fail to understand why biblical events unfolded as they did and how that should shape our understanding of the Scriptures and the church. Dr. Park taught the big picture so that his church members knew how all the smaller parts fit together.
Book 6 of the History of Redemption Series provides an excellent example of Dr. Park’s carefully developed methodology. He begins with an exposition of Deuteronomy and the sermons, or farewell addresses, of Moses, delivered in the plains of Moab just before the Israelites entered Canaan. He reminds us of God’s command in Deuteronomy 32:7, to “remember the days of old, consider the years of all generations.” He uses this to help the reader understand God’s history of redemption by the threefold command to remember, consider and ask: remember the past, reflect on the future, and decide or act in the present. God has been faithful to His covenant and He calls His people to faithfulness so that they may receive the abundance of His blessings.
The Eternal High Priest of the Covenantal Oath addresses the Chronicler’s genealogy as it is organized from a priestly perspective following the 70-year Babylonian captivity. It encourages the people of God, using the genealogies of the Old Testament, to remember their spiritual roots and the imperative of spreading God’s word to the nations. It also reveals the importance of restoring worship as a priority for God’s people as they returned to their homeland and started to rebuild. The Chronicler’s genealogy pointed to Jesus Christ, the promised eternal high priest first prophesied in Genesis 3:15. It explains the development of the priestly system that required sacrifices and culminated in the sacrifice of the eternal high priest, Jesus. Book 6 of the History of Redemption Series shows how the development of the priestly system reaches its climax in the ministry of Jesus, the great high priest. The Christo-centric nature of the Scriptures is plainly revealed. It becomes apparent that the shedding of His blood was necessary in order for our sins to be forgiven. Apart from the death and resurrection of Jesus, we would be condemned to remain outside the Promised Land or the New Jerusalem of Revelation 21 and 22. Dr. Park shows how an accurate understanding of the Jewish context, especially of early Christianity, is essential to an accurate interpretation of the Scriptures. They provide the framework for understanding the message of the New Testament. Important but seldom understood Biblical truths are clearly explained and accompanied by colored illustrations and a set of charts that will be invaluable to the reader who may otherwise fail to gain an understanding of the comprehensive Biblical and secular history that is presented.
Additional information is available regarding priestly garments and music. There may be a temptation to ignore them but that would be unwise.
As a young Christian, I would have benefited immensely from these volumes. As a new believer, I read the Bible seriously and memorized verses but it was not until I entered theological school that I began to grasp the significance of Biblical theology and redemptive history. In these volumes, Dr. Park makes redemptive history accessible to the lay Christian. Perhaps most significant is the lesson that today’s Christians should remember God’s work in history, how He has been faithful to those who trust in Him. That lesson should motivate contemporary Christians to renounce the world and all its temptations, trusting the Lord and obediently following Him. In doing so, the promises of God are assured and our sins are forgiven through the eternal sacrifice of Jesus.
Considering the history of Christianity in Korea, especially periods of great spiritual blessing, would it be too much to hope that attention to this volume, preferably the whole series, might be used to bring a new period of Scriptural understanding and spiritual blessing. More Christians need to read books like this one. I hope this volume touches off a new wave of interest in the Bible and illumines the path for God’s people everywhere.