Huisun, Rev. Dr. Abraham Park
(Huisun 暉宣 – hui: “to shine brilliantly”; sun: “to show favor”)
The author of the History of Redemption series
Rev. Abraham Park (1928-2014) had dedicated his entire life to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world. His life was centred on the twin pillars of Christian faith: the Word of God and prayer. He has read the Bible from cover to cover – more tha 1,800 times. Throughout his life, this pastor-theologian spent over five hours reading the Bible and over three hours praying each day. In 2007, Rev. Park celebrated the 50th Jubilee Anniversary of his ministry.

Rev. Dr. Abraham Park D.Min., D.D.
- Born May 17, 1928 in Sariwon, Hwanghae Province, Korea
- B.A. in Corporate Management from Kookmin University
- B.A in Biblical Studies from the Presbyterian General Assembly Theological University
- M.Div. from Reformed Theological Seminary, Korea
- Honorary D.Min. from Lael College and Graduate School
- Honorary Th.D. from Faith Theological Seminary, USA
- Honorary Ph.D. from Reformed Theological Seminary, Korea
- Honorary Ph.D. from Trinity Theological College & Seminary
- Former moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Korea (Hap-dong Conservative)
More About the Author
Rev. Abraham Park began his ministry in Dongmasan church in 1958 after his discharge from military as a wounded veteran from gunshot wounds inflicted during the Ko-rean War.
With conviction that “to die is to live,” he prayed for 47 days on Mt. Jang-an, and 3 years, 6 months, and 7 days on Mt. Jiri!
When the sun set, he did nothing but pray; when the sun rose, he did nothing but read the Bible. Then, finally, a single ray of grace shone upon him! through the powerful illumination of the Holy Spirit and by the grace of God, the scenes in the Bible unfolded like a panorama before his eyes.
These scenes were written down on large arrowroot leaves which were bound with a twig. They were later transcribed onto paper bought from a village under the mountain every few months. This is how The History of Redemption series began.
Rev. Park was highly commended by the religious community in Korea as a “true pastor who was committed to the inerrancy of the Bible and conservative theology.” On December 17, 2014, he passed on from this world and returned to the bosom of God.
The History of Redemption Book Series
is a series of books written with the central theme, “God’s Administration in the History of Redemption”, expounding on the details of God’s covenants from the first Messianic covenant and the different covenants given in redemptive history to their fulfillment through Jesus Christ and the cross.